Sunday, March 23, 2014

Absence of an Authoritative No

With the absence of an authoritative "NO"
she stomped that puddle dry

I may have found the  answer to "hide the wires on the bottom" problem.  I woke up with the idea of using cigar boxes as a way to solve this.  Over the years I have picked up a few of these in different sizes and makes with no particular plans for their use so I was able to have an assortment to choose from.  I used textured car paint (my son had bought this for his rims) thinking this would help to hide some of the imperfections on the box, which it did nicely.  This has been the most feasible solution that I have come up with and it seems to work well.  My next project with it will be the heavy car light fixture that I mentioned in an earlier post. It should be strong enough to support it, unlike the book board which sank under the weight.

My men have been out all weekend, one camping and the other visiting friends, so the house has been very quiet.  I noticed, not only do I not graze in the kitchen between meals, I do not turn on the TV.  I have gotten quite a bit accomplished, or should I say our dog, Luke, and I have been busy.  He has separation anxiety so he has stuck to me like glue. When I get up he is right beside me to help with the laundry, go get the paper, go to the bathroom, get art supplies, put up art get the picture.

On a side note:  If you have a chance check out the cover of Art Doll Quarterly (Feb, March, April) .  It is not a magazine that I normally look at but this stopped me in my tracks...beautiful.  The cover pic can be seen online.

Well, one of mine has made his way home so I need to finish up my laundry so he can have the machines.  And, now the dog has someone else to follow around.


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