Friday, April 7, 2017

The Ins and Outs of a Whim

This piece has been floating around in my head for a long while. Box painted,  metal parts acquired, wire rusted  but it was never the right time, or feeling, perhaps, to gather everything up and get started.  After one complicated day in the workshop dealing with the ins and outs of another whim, I pulled the parts together and it came together quickly.  The other piece hasn't been abandoned,  but it might be if it keeps back talking me every time I attempt to work on it.

Life has been busy with family obligations, and with that comes wonderful moments.  Granddaughter knows her way around the workshop, her hammer, ear protection, nails and wood, and she was able to introduce Niece the the joys of hammering.
They enjoyed the noise and using their hands.  No real projects were made but just seeing what tools can do is what is important at this age.

This winter we have had moments with our house overflowing and moments of quiet.  Both have been fully enjoyed but with spring in the air I can feel my creative side taking the lead.  My head is spinning with new ideas, each begging to be addressed first.  This weekend I have a mental list of what I would like to get accomplished.   I'm sure if I put the list to paper I would feel overwhelmed so for now the ideas can run free vying for attention.

So I wish you a happy quilting, metal working, wood working, jam making and a yummy sweet potato pie weekend.
