Monday, January 26, 2015

Blooming in the Winter

I am very happy to say that I have been asked to put some of my artwork in James Freeman Interiors, a gallery in our downtown district.  It opened in October and they want to feature local artists along with their market purchases.   After the long spell of happenings, both good and not so, it is nice to have a real reason to make time for my sculptures. I so love to be immersed in a project and watch it come to life.

In connection with that last statement,  I had to take a break from the last project.  I cannot get the stupid wire to spin around the stupid dowel properly.  And after a considerable amount of time spent trying to accomplish this, it came to mind that a small Superman will be attached to top of said wire, which will throw off the weight and render all previous work concerning said wire spinning useless.  So back to the drawing some future point.

News on BFF...After staying in local hospital for 29 days and a visit to Cleveland Clinic, they have ruled out some things and have done genetic testing to look deeper.  It will be 4-6 weeks until those results come back.  So for now, blood thinners and rest seem to be helping with the immediate problem.

We a have had a very dreary winter so far and it has weighed on my soul.  I used to love winter and the cold weather but the older I get the more need the sun.  These little beauties are happily blooming in the cold wintery weather and I will use them as a reminder to keep blooming myself!

Happy January,

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Work in Progress

I always enjoy the holiday season...from feeding 14 at Thanksgiving all the way to making sure I get the Peeps for my father-in-law for Christmas.  I really really love the twinkley lights and the Christmas music playing everywhere. With that said, I am equally relieved when the holidays have come to an end. I make many of our gifts and am responsible for the hunting and gathering of the rest, so after all the festivities have been enjoyed, I am glad for a reprieve.

Before putting up all the decorations and outside lights, I have had a few moments to spend in the workshop.  Unfortunately, this is how I roll while trying to figure out a new idea.  This here...that there...and as always, the thing I am looking for is hiding under something else.  I have a new automata idea where a larger wheel (pictured left) will spin outside of a wooden box (center) which will move a circle of wire around a wooden 6- 8 inch tall dowel glued to the top of the box.  The wire will carry a small Superman which will circle around a person reading a comic book standing on the top of the dowel.  Clear as mud, right?  Now, you can see how my focus can create a work table that looks like this.  This time, though, I made a mock-up out of cardboard which will save a lot of wood from being unnecessarily sacrificed due to:  I think this is the right about a little bigger??...maybe smaller??

 A more completed idea

Yesterday I spent the day with BFF, who is back in the hospital.  Actually, that was day #22 for her second go around.  She is hanging in there but has moments of angst because all the test, doctors, pokes and prods have not been able to give the answers.  Watching someone go through this sure puts things in perspective. It is hard to complain about a bad day while others are so ill they are separated from their family and home, for days on end, especially during this time of year.  Yuck!

On a lighter note: You know when you are with the right person when he sees past the hair up in a bandana, Godzilla t shirt, and Christmas fleece pants and says that he thinks you are sexy while you are working with the scroll saw.  I think I'll keep him!

I hope everyone had a joyful holiday and safe new year!
