Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spelling is Not My Forte

Our book making club has been invited to have a showing this month (through March 31st, not May 4th) along with a photography group from the area.  We are very excited to show our work because for all but one of us this is a hobby and for the one who "works" at it, it is a second career during retirement.  In other words, we do not have many opportunities to share what we love to do.  Also, my mother is so proud when she gets a postcard with my work being highlighted...top left corner and bottom middle.  It will make the rounds at church.

I met my partner in crime, Cheryl, last night to drop off my pieces for the show and was so excited to share with her the new piece that I mentioned I was starting in a previously post where I used  rebar, pulleys, a piece from a deck post, and an old quilt.  I swooped it out of the box and her face lit up then immediately sank.  The words on the piece read Be Unapopogetic, Commanding and Incredibly Sure of Yourself.  Yea...Unapopogetic.  I did not even have to look at the piece to know I had misspelled something.  The women in my family are not spellers.  Luck #1 , the quote was on cotton batting glued to a piece of paper which I had run through the printer (Surprise! It worked).  Luck #2,  I happened to have in my work supplies a razor blade that I could scrape off the curve of the P and make it a L to get... Unapologetic. I am very glad that was addressed before it was set out to show.  The whole world doesn't need to know can't spell.

 I neglected to get a picture of it before packing it up so I will have to share it at a later date.

The enticing smell of frozen pizza wafting from the kitchen and the sound of rain hitting the roof is telling me it is time to settle in for the evening.
Good night to all,


  1. That was an amazing piece of artwork surgery performed in a parking lot.

  2. "I can fix it"...wait, it needs a little more conviction..."I can FIX it"!!...
