Saturday, September 7, 2019

Things, They Are A Changin'

Having been an only child in our work shop, it has been quite the shock having to share the space with Husband recently.  He has found his voice in the art world with acrylic pouring.  The Saturday after my lengthy trip to Arrowmont I decided to skip my KBAG meeting, which I rarely do.   First, I was tired and second,  Mrs. Scharon was teaching the fundamentals of acrylic pouring and my body can no longer tolerate being around paint fumes of any kind.  Sometimes this is a blessing...Sorry, Dear, I can't help paint the living room...but mostly it keeps me very vigilant when I am creating with anything that generates an off gas: torching, painting, gluing, etc..  I have had to change course many times to complete a project due to this, but I digress.  In passing I let Husband know my plans, or lack of, and he said that he was interested in going.  Wow, ok.  I introduced pouring to him via YouTube a few weeks prior but had no idea that it piqued his interest.  So off we went and he has been going strong ever since.  He has even taken a one on one class with Mrs. Scharon so he could learn more.  He now has a nice stash of paints, pouring medium and canvases.  He is the first to look at the art store fliers in the Sunday paper.  He is making some beautiful and interesting work and I am always excited for the end result.  Since I cannot be in the shop while he is working I get to be surprised by what colors were chosen and how they mingled together.

Lately I have been working with copper and patina.  The cutting and manipulation of the metal is very satisfying but carefully opening up the ammonia container and being surprised with the outcome is where the joy comes in.  Much like with Husband's pours, I never know what that will be...very blue, some blue with copper accents or just dark and bland.  The blues are organic and beautiful, the dark and bland not so much, but they can be cleaned and reintroduced to the ammonia with hopefully a better result.

Next I would like to learn how to enamel on copper.  Arrowmont offers classes on this and I would love to participate but having had a reaction to a room full of people using torches, I know it is not possible.  Thank goodness for YouTube because I can see the process and go at my own pace.  Now I just have to pull the trigger and buy supplies for another project.  Maybe if I call it an addition to this metalworking project I can justify it.  

I must be off to put on my orange and gather my crochet so I can be ready root for my hometown college team.  Last week's loss was hard to watch but we have high hopes for this game.  Happy Saturday!


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