Friday, April 27, 2018

X-box Widow

The Brothers Jack

Spring is in the air, at least that is what the calendar says.  I believe we have had all the winters...dogwood, blackberry, redbud, locust... blow through bringing their cold temperatures and dreary days.  Don't get me wrong, I really like a good dreary day, getting to stay snuggled up inside with a warm fire and an idea to keep me engaged, but we have had our fair share and I am ready for some sunshine.  With spring it becomes a challenge to keep up with the neighbors and their bountiful yards due to the fact that my thumb is not green, not in the least. We mow and keep up with the trimming so we are presentable but anything we get to grow is a delight.  I have one small patch that comes up this time of year and I eagerly wait for the green to peek out from the dirt.  It has trilliums, some tall green leaf things, a patch of yellow flower somethings, and my favorite Jack-in-the-Pulpit.  This year we had Jacks 2 pop up and I am thrilled.  Soon it will be time to plant zinnia seeds and hope for the best.

 Apparently Husband was a very good boy last year and Santa brought him an X-box 1 for Christmas.  He enjoys playing... a lot... and apparently so do his friends, including our son who lives out of town, which is nice that they can interact but...I have become what I call an X-box widow.  Husband laughs and agrees. At least he is home and not running out and about, and I have a quite a bit more time to spend in the workshop.  This little rocker is a result of that extra time.  She was one of those quick and easy projects that does not come along very often.  The curve cut is nice and smooth and when resting it is almost dead center.  The weight distribution is spot on so the rocking motion is effortless. The tricky part was the basket the girl is holding due to it wanting to slip out of shape each time another rib was attached but with a little patience and some man handling it came into it's own.  When the piece is tipped the basket swings and the apples wiggle about.  I will have to keep this one in mind the next time I am struggling with an idea (like the ones that are sitting unfinished on the workbench) and know that every once in a while a project can be a simple pleasure to make.

The X-box is on and the workshop is calling.  With no particular direction pulling me, I will just see where inspiration leads.  I have one project that has to have the hands epoxied to wire that is fitted through holes in a box...hum...not exactly sure the next step in this process.  Or another unfinished workbench dweller consists of parts that, at some point, will be a man carrying a stack of wobbly books.  I have the wooden books carved and have played with the sway but I am not happy with it just yet.  Those are both viable options or I may just see where the sawdust takes me.

Side note*  I am thrilled to announce that there are 3 Jacks in my tiny woodland landscape. This is a first, Whooo!


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