Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow Day

I love the smell of snow.  I never remember this until the first flakes begin to fall and then it hits me.  I forget how cold and wet everything will be and that slushing around will be a pain.  I just stop in my tracks and breath deeply enjoying the crispness of the air as it fills my lungs.  We were spared the Blizzard of 2016 due to our terrain -we are in the valley- but all around us got their fair share and ours as well.  

We did have some snow earlier in the week, which is all it takes to shut down our little city, so we took a snow day and I was able to enjoy the picture window view and creating.  I made the piece above out of a book from which I had already procured the covers.  I used the scroll saw to cut the curve and was reminded why one should always wear your safety glasses as the blade busted and spoinged across the workshop. I glued the curve closed to add stability, leaving a few pages free to soften the edge.  The wire flowers are made form left over book pages, dabbed with a bit of chalk for interest, and pushed into the spine. It's kind of odd but I really like the way it looks as it rocks back and forth.  This is one of the pieces I will be putting in our art show in March.

I signed up today for this year's art class at Arrowmont. I have my reservations made at BFF's house, so room and transportation are covered. I have been a very lucky girl and as long as Husband loves me enough to carry the work and house load without me for the week I hope to keep on being a lucky girl. In this class I will be learning how to use "simple mechanical motion"- gears, cams, pistons and pulleys-along with some carving and joinery.  I am excited!!!

It's time to walk the dog and call my mother.

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