Saturday, June 6, 2015

Version 2

Version 2

I enjoyed making the project for the KBAG meeting and knowing I should be more familiar with the process before teaching it to my fellow members,  I  wondered what else I could do with the pattern.  Like others, I am fond of working with the tree motif, so I worked up a tree house.  I started with the basic pattern used in the graffiti piece and not so quickly realized that it would have to be modified.  I was able to get the tree to stand on it's root system with ease but attaching the building was more of a challenge.  Just when I would think it was stable and I could breath a little easier, I would sit back and see that it was leaning, not ever so slightly, to the left, then over adjust to the right.  When I added the ladder it became easier to stableize and correct any leans.

When you peek into the window you see a lady painting a flower.  This was the more complicated part of the design. The issues arrived when dealing with the wires coming through the wooden floor. I had bits coming from her legs, the stool and the easel and all of these needed to be tucked or incorporated into the tree limbs. After playing around with adding additional sticks, it worked out better to twist in more wire and sort of hide the small wire parts.  All in all, I am really pleased how it turned out.  It doesn't fall over and the lady seems to be happily painting away.

It looks to he a beautiful weekend.  Our yard is mowed and the zinnias are growing.  So as far as I'm concerned, all is good here. I hope the same for you.


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