Friday, April 17, 2015

A Less Hurried Pace

I never knew how beautiful these little snails were. This guy was trucking along the stoop this morning so I stooped down to click a picture before I moved him to a safer route.   From afar these look gray with a gray house, but up close, Wow, what beautiful color and texture.   What a lovely surprise to start my day.

And in keeping with the nature theme, Husband directed me outside this morning to see the largest earthworm ever birthed.  Now, I wear a size 10 shoe.  No, I am not one of the lucky ones with a small, lovely foot.  The ones that go into the shoe store and come out with all these cute and colorful styles.  Try putting on a red floral, size 10 and see if they don't come across as clown feet.  But, I digress...  This ginormous worm was longer than my ginormous tennis shoe.  Even though I was impressed with its size I did not feel the need to whip out my camera.   Although, I could have been as surprised with him as I was with the snail.

To top the day off, this beauty was wandering a customer's front lawn.  He was stately with vibrant plumage of red and orange and iridescent black/teal tail feathers.  This one I could not not photograph. Nature is amazing if we remember to stop and look.

With tomorrow being Saturday,  hopefully there will be more opportunities to enjoy nature's gifts at a less hurried pace.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

If There's A Will...

This weekend I plan to use my will to finish up some projects that have been poking around in the back of my mind for a while. For example, in 1999 BFF and I traveled to beautiful Builtmore House in Asheville NC.  While there we took pictures and saved momentos which I made into a lovely travel log for BFF.  While cleaning (use term loosely) my art room I found my said travel log...well, lets just say it is not so lovely.  That's project 1.  If I can stay on track, I hope to get projects 2 and 3 finished.  Husband is enjoying a day in the woods with friends so I have the time, hopefully, I will have the will!

I love Godzilla movies!  I watched the 1962 King Kong vs Godzilla recently and was inspired.  I want to make the creature coming out of a book, maybe covered with Godzilla comic pics, to where the book part is his midsection, legs out the side, and the upper torso above the top. I stopped by our local comic book store to get some inspiration and I have a comic on order with the art work by Matt Frank.  If you are into comics as an art form, check out his work.  I find it amazing.  Not sure how this will come about, and I hope I do not get distracted by this today, but the idea is in it's big man suit battling with projects 1,2 and 3.  I cannot start something else...well, maybe just some, no no...

It's a beautiful day outside...enjoy
Happy Easter,