Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pure Self Indulgence

What a lucky girl I am!  I was able to spend the last week at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tn.  It was was my first opportunity to take a week long art class and it was more than I ever expected. It was about kinetics, mostly for jewelry makers, but I learned how to incorporate the techniques into my sculptures.  I was able to make Puddle Stomper move here leg up and down and a girl spin in a thunderstorm, both using wooden circles and a brass crank system.  It was my first time using a soldering apparatus and was apprehensive at first, but I soon got the hang of it...in theory, anyway.  I came home with a long list of items I want for Christmas: grinder with deburring wheel, soldering stuff, scroll saw, jewelers ring holder, a plethora of small hand tools, and...


an anvil!

It was wonderful to be immersed in an artistic atmosphere for a whole week.  Husband was very generous, never complaining about keeping our business running smoothly (we are our only employees so all the work fell on him).  Also, I was lucky to be able to spend time with my best friend.  She opened her home as a bed and breakfast, and chauffeur each day to help with with expenses. It was a joyful week.
This is my favorite time of year with the cooler breezes,  the leaves changing colors, the sun setting before 9:30.  I always feel a bit more calm...until I realize that the holidays are just around the corner.  Each year my goal is to have my shopping done before Thanksgiving, so when Thanksgiving rolls around I have a lot of it done...never all.  But right now I will just focus on the cooler breezes and beautiful leaves and playing with the new techniques I have learned.

Here's to hoping the 2015 class catalog for Arrowmont comes in the mail soon so I can start dreaming (and saving) for my next adventure!


#arrowmont  #craftexperience

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