Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I hope that you are able to stay cool while enjoying the sun.  It is going to be a hot week...I wish that I had planted my flower box closer to a water source because now I have to fill my watering can in the kitchen sink and carry it across the street to give the droopy flowers some pep.

We had a nice weekend camping.  On our way to the campground we heard that there was going to be mermaid swimming at the Aquarium and on Saturday we made our way into town and enjoyed the show.  What a wonderful was to spend our lunch with a front row seat watching the mermaids swim with the stingrays.

I am working on a wire and teal yarn mermaid who, if it works out, will be resting between two rocks jutting through the book-board.  She might have a story in her tail (like the whale) or may just be holding a book.  It depends on if she has something to say.

 This little lady was inspired by a picture that Vicki sent me from a ceramic piece she saw at Arrowmont.  Her hair is spiral curls that protrude out and is adorned with a vintage broach from a collection of jewelry given to me by Judy which belonged to Don's grandmother or great grandmother. She is about 12 x8 and was a bear to make sturdy.  She would tip to the front, add more wire, to the back, add more wire, front, back, front , back....She stands tall now but I would not whip her about to test her temperament.

Well, It is about time for my evening viewing of Bob Newhart before bed.
Love to you,

Monday, June 11, 2012


Glad that you are back safe and sound from your travels to exotic (yes, I had to get the dictionary) North Carolina.  I am sure many giggles were shared with all who breezed by the Godmother and her Lady in Waiting while they held court.

This is what I have been working on for a couple of weeks.  We had some trouble getting the drip to do what I wanted with the first epoxy chosen...it dried at an extreme angle.  The second attempt never dried.  Finally, with help from the Home Depot guy, we used J B Weld and it held great.  The antique faucet was purchased from e-bay on line.  I knew we had a water book of some kind in the bookshelf and with some additional plumbing parts...Art.

Next week...A really cool wire sculpture.

Don used his magic pencil on the schedule and we have Monday (his birthday) off so we are going camping.  We were lucky...they had 2 spots left.  Not on the river but the weather looks great and a grand time should be had!!

Love to you!